- All our purchases are covered by a Purchase Order number.
- You should never accept a request for goods, works or services without a valid Brooklands College Purchase Order number in the form of an 8 digit number 3xxxxxxx which you will receive by email.
- Only invoice us when you have received our purchase order number and have supplied the goods and/or services.
- Our purchase orders will clearly state the goods or services required, quantity and price. The delivery and invoice addresses may be different but clearly marked.
- Our purchase orders will quote your unique Supplier number. If you need to contact us you should quote this number.
- Your invoices should quote a valid Purchase Order number, your full business name and address and full details of what has been supplied. Without a purchase order number your invoice can not be processed
- Send your invoice as soon as possible after the dispatch of the goods or services you have provided.
- The invoice must be sent to the ‘Invoice to’ address shown on our Purchase Order.
- Ensure descriptions, prices, quantities match the purchase order.
- Submit valid VAT invoices (unless you are not registered for VAT).
- All our invoices are paid via bank transfer.
Payment terms
The Terms and Conditions of Contract below are those conditions which cover all Purchase Orders for any goods, works or services purchased by Brooklands College.
These Terms and Conditions may only be varied by amendments agreed in writing by Brooklands College or stated on the Purchase Order; these are the only amendments Brooklands College will accept.
Any Purchase Order placed by Brooklands College is conditional upon acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Supplier.
Terms and Conditions of Contract.