Step 4: Getting ready for college

Once you have accepted the offer you can expect the following:

  • You will be asked to complete the College’s Additional Learning Support Questionnaire on the website. This is your chance to tell us about your support needs and any exam access arrangements.
  • You will be invited to enrolment from mid-August. The Learning Support Team will be there to answer questions and ensure all information is captured. You will be directed to the team if we have some information missing. If you hold an EHCP and a consultation has not taken place, this will cause a delay at enrolment. You will not be able to enrol until the college has received your EHCP from your Local Authority. Places on a suitable course may no longer be available and delays in providing support are likely.
  • You must bring your exam results, confirmation of exam access arrangements (Form 8 issued by your school), and any medical information or confirmation of diagnosis that you think will be relevant to your studies. Once again, the Learning Support Team will be there to support you with the enrolment process.
  • If you have not achieved the entry requirements for your course, the college will do their best to offer you an alternative.
  • You will sign your learning agreement and have your ID badge issued.

Step 3: The right course for you

Once your EHCP has been approved a conditional offer, depending on entry criteria, will be sent to you by email. You must accept the offer within 3 weeks, or we cannot hold the place. In some cases, curriculum departments may offer alternative routes, pathways, colleges, or providers that better suit your needs and provide you with better opportunities to achieve your aspirations. All admissions are subject to you applying for and being accepted onto a suitable course, decided by the curriculum area.

If you require transport assistance to get to and from college, you will need to make a Post-16 transport application once you have received your offer, via your local council.

Step 2: Applying

All students should apply for a place online using the Apply Now button on the course you are interested in. Tick the boxes to say you have an EHCP and need support. Let us know here what your primary learning needs are.

Once you have applied, you will be invited to attend an Applicant Event or Interview with the curriculum department. The Learning Support Team will be available and you can ask any questions that you might have.

All applications are subject to the College being able to meet your learning needs and the provision outlined in your EHCP. On the rare occasions the College is unable to do this, your Local Authority will be informed and given ample time to reconsult should the EHCP need updating. It is the Local Authority’s responsibility to advise you of the college’s decision and any conditions outlined on our response. Your Local Authority will support you in your next steps going forward.

Step 1: Thinking about College

If Brooklands College is for you, let your Local Authority know in the Annual Review of your EHCP

The Local Authority will share your EHCP and Annual Review paperwork with us. A member of the Learning Support team will read the information provided to ensure that the College is able to meet your needs; this is called a Formal Consultation.

Local Authorities must submit formal consultations to by 31st March, prior to your expected start date. We cannot move forward with your application until we receive this. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept EHCPs sent informally by parents/carers, schools, or other settings/organisations.

What is the Provider Access Legislation?

The new Provider Access Legislation has now taken effect and applies to all schools in England.

Download the guide below with sets out the main points that your school needs to know.


Key Requirements

What are Traineeships?

A Traineeship is a fully-funded education and training programme for 16-24* year olds (*25 year olds with an Education, Health and Care Plan) to build employability skills and gain valuable sector-based experience through a work placement.

Download the information sheet to find out about Traineeships.


Traineeships Explained

What are T-Levels?

T Levels are qualifications combining classroom learning, alongside an industry placement and they are designed for young people as an option following GCSEs (post-16). 

Download the information sheet to find out all you need to know about T-Levels.


T-Levels Explained


Relocation for apprentices is on the rise, with many employers realising that in order to attract the widest pool of talent to their businesses, they may need to recruit from beyond their local area. This guide sets out some of the options for anyone considering relocation through an apprenticeship.

Download the attached sheet to find out everything you need to know about relocating for your Apprenticeship.


Relocating Guidance

Green Apprenticeships

It’s an exciting time for individuals thinking about green apprenticeship roles. Many organisations are now focusing on the different ways they can have a positive impact on the environment through the products and services they offer, and in turn, linking this to the apprenticeship programmes that they offer.

Download the information sheet for top tips to find a green apprenticeship.


Top Tips for Green Apprenticeships

How to write a CV

Many job adverts will request that you submit a CV as part of the application process. Having a CV ready that can be quickly updated is important for any new job seeker.

Download the information sheet for useful information and guidance how to write the perfect CV.


CV Guidance

How to write a cover letter

You should always include a covering letter when you send your CV and/or an application form to an employer.

Download the information sheet below to find useful information and guidance to help you write the perfect cover letter for your application.


Cover Letter Guidance

GCSE Grades

The 9-1 grading scheme was brought in alongside a new GCSE curriculum in England, which began rolling out in 2017.

Download the information sheet which explains how the new GCSEs are graded.


GCSE Grades Explained

Assessments Explained

End Point Assessment (also commonly referred to as EPA) is the final stage of the apprenticeship programme.

Download the information sheet below to find out more about end-point assessments for Apprenticeships.


Assessments Explained

Finance Information

One of the benefits of being an apprentice is that you are paid, but how does this work and how could it affect your household?

Download the information sheet to find out all the information you need on Apprenticeships Finances.


Apprenticeship Finances

Finding the Best Apprenticeship

With thousands of different apprenticeships to chose from – it can sometimes feel daunting to know where and when you should be looking – and what you should be looking out for.

Download the attached document to help find the right Apprenticeship for you.


Apprenticeships for you

Apprenticeship Levels

Apprenticeship levels range from level 2 (intermediate) through to level 7 (master’s level) in more than 1,500 different job roles.

Download the attached document to find out more about Apprenticeship Levels.


Apprenticeship Levels

What is an Apprenticeship?

An apprenticeship is a real job, available to individuals aged 16+ (with no upper age limit). Apprentices are typically employed for at least 30 hours per week.

Please download the attached information sheet giving you the 8 Key Facts on Apprenticeships.


8 Key Facts You Need to Know

9. Safeguarding

The Safeguarding Team will be available at enrolment to meet any applicants at enrolment if any the following criteria apply.

  • Anyone who was known to Safeguarding Team at school
  • Anyone who has poor Mental Health / Anxiety
  • Anyone who has a social worker working with family.
  • Anyone who has not been in school (Home schooled)
  • Anyone who is Looked After Child (in care of local authority ) or Care Leavers
  • Young Carers
  • Anyone living with someone other than parents – Foster carers / SGO / other family
  • Anyone working with external services – CAMHS / Targeted Youth Support / Police/ Any other support worker/ East to West
  • Anyone with a criminal record
  • Anyone who would like to speak to Safeguarding Team.

5. Construction Kit List

Please read through the list below and ensure you have everything you need for starting your Construction Course in September.


Construction Kit List

4. Catering & Hospitality Uniform & Kit List

Please find below kit lists and order forms for equipment and clothing for our Catering & Hospitality students. You will also find a kit list for Level 2 and 3 progression students.

Please ensure you have the correct clothing and equipment for starting in September.


Catering & Hospitality Kit List
Hospitality Unform List
Progressing Students Kit List