While studying at Brooklands College there may be times when students need some extra support to ensure that they stay on track with work and assignments. Our student support team will be with you every step of the way.
The Student Counsellor is in College every day and offers confidential support to students for a range of difficulties and concerns. There is a Student Counseling Leaflet with more information here – Full Information
The welfare of our students is important to us. The Safeguarding Team, Progression Mentors and Counsellor are here to support students.
Email us at anytime if you need assistance: safeguarding@brooklands.ac.uk
Please find full information on Student Support here
Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus
Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT
Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus
Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU