Brooklands Technical College
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Safeguarding & Prevent

Brooklands College holds as one of its highest priorities the health, safety and welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in courses or activities, which come under the responsibility of the College. The College has a statutory and moral duty to commit to practices that protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect or significant harm. 

Please find full information on Safeguarding & Prevent here

Lead for Safeguarding and Contact Point for Social Services:
Tel: 01932 797 670 – Designated Safeguarding Lead
Tel: 01932 797 752 – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Contact Us

Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT

Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus

Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU