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  • Learn Online

    …be studied anytime, anywhere! Whether you are interested in professional qualifications, skill development or personal hobbies and interests, we are sure we have something for you. Visit Brooklands College E-courses…

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  • Our HE Partners

    …enjoys an international reputation for teaching excellence and innovation. As a leading modern University, Oxford Brookes has deep links with local business and industry ensuring that 93.2% of our graduates…

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  • Online Courses (Distance Learning)

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  • “Constant Kindness Can Accomplish Much”

    …health. All in all, a well told story and a great read. One to recommend. – Alison We love… One of our Library Assistant, Glenn came across this interesting reading…

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  • Saying Goodbye to 2020/2021

    …been created. The actual author of this work of fiction is Joseph Know who has woven an ingenious and highly original tale (and who has also cheekily given himself a…

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  • But I would walk five hundred miles…

    …a paragraph or two. All in all a great read – one to recommend. – Alison Students Book Loans Worried about fines during lockdown? No problem. All loans have been…

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  • Heathrow’s Virtual Work Experience

    …Collaboration Fund, Springpod began developing the online solution to provide virtual work experience in September 2020. There will be a number of different airport-based employers taking part, known collectively as…

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  • It’s not where you walk, it’s who walks with you.

    …was immeasurable. Here was someone with a distinctly heterosexual history – a fighter pilot, a prisoner of war veteran, a successful motor racing driver, a family man (up until 1948)…

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  • I’m Ready for my Close Up

    …a series 2 but there’s plenty of material to work with. It has been twenty years since Blackman’s book was published. It wasn’t her first book. She already had several

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  • Welcome!

    …Shibboleth login if requested and select Brooklands College. Heritage Online | Proquest | Dawson Further Reading: Issues Online, a comprehensive reference source on social issues. Click on the Shibboleth login….

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  • The Final Countdown to Christmas

    …there are some heart-breaking moments there is humour too and I still think of the characters of Cyril and Catherine months later. Alison – The Devil and the Dark Water…

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  • “There’s something about a Christmas sweater that will always make me laugh”

    …positively support this annual endeavour and encourage as many staff and students as possible to wear their seasonal woolies and make a donation via the College fundraising page to Save…

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  • The December countdown is about to begin…

    already put up their trees and decorations, despite it still being November. (To cater for demand, my local tree supplier has brought in their stock of real trees early. I…

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  • Welcome to Movember

    …previous blogs but there is also something quite special about receiving a surprise through the post. It’s something to look forward to with anticipation. They also make great gifts during…

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  • “We’ll meet again…”

    …to the troops in the midst of World War II. Although fighting with Japan continued for several months until 2nd September, Victory in Europe was officially declared on 8th May…

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  • Reading Hour

    …facing an older couple who are suddenly faced with the loss of their home and all their savings along with discovering the husband had a terminal illness. Facing homelessness they…

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  • The Spring Read

    all courses – they are all located in your Tutorial Hub on Google Classroom. Here you will find links to access e-books, online databases and useful websites. Book Loans Worried…

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  • Courses for Adults

    …Level 2 and 3 include: Essential Digital Skills, Business Administration, Understanding Mental Health Problems, Working In Adult Social Care, Nutrition & Health and Control of Infection. Distance Learning Free Courses…

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  • The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read

    …can improve your physical and psychological health, offer social benefits when working collectively and offer the opportunity to connect with nature. For our SEND students, it’s also an important educational

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  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm

    …diverse gender and sexual identities across time, place and culture. Click this link to have a look at the Out in the Museum trail. Displays The student tutorial as we…

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Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT

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Ashford Campus

Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU