Between 18th – 24th May, this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week championed the “Kindness Matters” value. The Brooklands College Student Enrichment team constantly look to positively develop young minds and encourage kindness between the students. For Mental Health Awareness week, our social media platforms were taken over by this campaign to promote positive thinking and support to our students.
Imagine a world where we can succeed by being nice, where we all look out for each other, where we all pay it forward and where kindness is the norm.
Feeling stressed? Here are some useful links to help you:
Mind & Wellbeing
Thursday 21st May, World Meditation Day fell very nicely on Mental Health Awareness Week. Life can often feel overwhelming – especially in the current climate. Meditation is a way of stopping still for a moment and taking time to reflect.
Health & Wellbeing therapist Michelle from Mind Body Element (, hosted a guided meditation & relaxation session for Brooklands College. Take the opportunity to look after your mental health and find your inner peace – watch video
Library Assistant Sarah completed the 21 day meditation challenge. She found herself looking at things in her life more positively and looked forward to her 20 minutes a day of switching off and listening to the day’s audio session on her headphones. – watch video
Resources To Take Care Of YOU
Mindful Entertainment
Activities To Do At Home
Netflix For The Mind
Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus
Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT
Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus
Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU