If you have an EHCP and would like to come to Brooklands College to study, you may be worried that the application process is difficult. Here are some points to follow if you have an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan).
If Brooklands College is for you, let your Local Authority know in the Annual Review of your EHCP The Local Authority will share your EHCP and Annual Review paperwork with us. A member of the Learning Support team will read the information provided to ensure that the College is able to meet your needs; this is called a Formal Consultation. Local Authorities must submit formal consultations to ehcp@brooklands.ac.uk by 31st March, prior to your expected start date. We cannot move forward with your application until we receive this. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept EHCPs sent informally by parents/carers, schools, or other settings/organisations. All students should apply for a place online using the Apply Now button on the course you are interested in. Tick the boxes to say you have an EHCP and need support. Let us know here what your primary learning needs are. Once you have applied, you will be invited to attend an Applicant Event or Interview with the curriculum department. The Learning Support Team will be available and you can ask any questions that you might have. All applications are subject to the College being able to meet your learning needs and the provision outlined in your EHCP. On the rare occasions the College is unable to do this, your Local Authority will be informed and given ample time to reconsult should the EHCP need updating. It is the Local Authority’s responsibility to advise you of the college’s decision and any conditions outlined on our response. Your Local Authority will support you in your next steps going forward. Once your EHCP has been approved a conditional offer, depending on entry criteria, will be sent to you by email. You must accept the offer within 3 weeks, or we cannot hold the place. In some cases, curriculum departments may offer alternative routes, pathways, colleges, or providers that better suit your needs and provide you with better opportunities to achieve your aspirations. All admissions are subject to you applying for and being accepted onto a suitable course, decided by the curriculum area. If you require transport assistance to get to and from college, you will need to make a Post-16 transport application once you have received your offer, via your local council. Once you have accepted the offer you can expect the following: During Welcome Week you will meet Teaching staff, Support staff and the Wellbeing Team. All relevant members of staff will have access to your EHCP to ensure that everyone working with you is aware of the outcomes and provision in your EHCP and that they are being met. If you receive support from a Learning Support Assistant in class, they will regularly record your progress and the support provided. If in your first 6 weeks, you or your tutors feel you are not on the right course, we will do our best to move you onto a programme of study that better suits your needs. This may result in a change to your timetable. Please speak to your tutor if this applies to you. The College will complete an Annual Review, at the request of the Local Authority, where outcomes and provision of the EHCP are reviewed and reported on. The College will endeavour to meet the 12-month deadline for annual reviews. However, if you are due to leave Brooklands College the following summer, your annual review will be prioritised. If you are starting out with us, your annual review will be scheduled for later in the year, so we can accurately report on your progress. If it is felt that the placement is not appropriate, then an emergency annual review will be held.
Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus
Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT
Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus
Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU