Delivered in partnership with Oxford Brookes University, Brooklands Colleges offers HE courses in Motorsport Engineering. We have extensive employer links which allow our courses to be tailored to meet industry needs and current practice.
Motorsport Engineering is an exciting subject to choose here at Brooklands College. Our courses provide learners with specialised skills and knowledge in fault rectification & diagnostics, engineering design and motorsport preparation & inspection. Many of our students progress onto working in the industry with various racing teams, one of which includes the West Surrey Racing.
Delivered in partnership with Oxford Brookes University, our Motorsport Engineering Foundation Degrees are a popular choice to students who want a practical learning experience where they can really get stuck […]
The Child Studies department is very proud to announce that the winner of the 2019 - 2020 Christine Lawless Creative Practitioner Prize conferred by Kingston University has been won by Laura Davies, who completed her Level 5 Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Practice Foundation Degree in June 2020 at Brooklands College proudly gaining a Distinction.