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  • “We lose ourselves in books. We find ourselves there too.”

    …because, as usual with this author, it’s a great read. Jojo Moyes sometimes writes about modern times, sometimes historical, sometimes she mixes them up. On this occasion, she is sticking…

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  • “Always finding the one book I wanted – and then three more I hadn’t known I wanted”

    …guides for all courses – they are located in your Tutorial Hub on Google Classroom. Here you will find links to e-books, online databases and useful websites. Book Loans Worried…

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  • Art, poetry, music, literature…all are covered this week

    …us at Heritage Online | Proquest Issues Online Looking for PSHE resources? Then look no further than Issues Online. Issues online is an interactive resource containing images, graphs, infographics,…

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  • Library cards at the ready

    all courses – they are located in your Tutorial Hub on Google Classroom. Here you will find links to e-books, online databases and useful websites. Book Loans Worried about fines?

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  • All Change for Lockdown #2?

    …is different to the first which saw an almost entire cessation of all but the essential services. Right now, as a college, it’s business as usualalbeit that it’s…

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  • Making Your Own Bread

    Monday, 8th February 2021 Good for the soul! Bread is sometimes called ‘the staff of life’. It was a staple food: people’s pay included bread in the middle ages, it…

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  • It’s ‘Our’ week to celebrate

    …Then look no further than Issues Online. Issues online is an interactive resource containing images, graphs, infographics, videos, glossaries and thousands of articles to help students understand information covering a…

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  • This Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step

    all economies will need rebuilding. The World Trade Fair Organization believes that “We cannot simply go back to the old normal. The old normal left millions behind and was destroying…

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  • Summer was on the way; Jem and I awaited it with impatience…

    …used this presentation to see how we can help within local communities Carers Week 7th-13th June The theme for Carers Week 2021 is Make Caring Visible and Valued. Carers Week…

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  • FAQs: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    …groupings of “bubbles” that have been called social bubbles and super bubbles. Social bubbles are the classes for the main learning aim that the student is studying and the average…

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  • A Walk in Nature, Walks the Soul Back Home

    …our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. For most of human history, we…

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  • Student Finance & Support

    …some useful links: GOV.UK Benefits for Families information: Local Charities can also offer help. Below you will find some examples, there may be others available in your…

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  • You can never, ever have too many books

    …other stock. Displays Online Safety One of our tutorial themes for our students this half term centres on how to keep yourself safe online. Paola has looked at what and…

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  • How are COVID and health and safety matters escalated?

    B How are COVID and health and safety matters escalated? These are quickly fed through via line managers and automatically-escalating online forms that alert Health and Safety and the SLT…

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  • Simply Books

    …subject guides for all courses – they are located in your Tutorial Hub on Google Classroom. Here you will find links to e-books, online databases and useful websites. Book Loans…

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  • Support Links

    …life’s difficulties. Visit Website Young Minds – Support for Parents Call the Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday 9.30am – 4pm, free for mobiles and landlines) Visit Website…

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  • The burning of a book is a sad, sad sight

    …comfortable in their own skin without love and support. – Alison We love… REMINDER: Surrey Libraries will be hosting the second of its online book club, Surrey Page Turners. later…

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  • Let Step 2 Commence!

    …2 of the ‘roadmap to freedom’ came into being. More customer-based services (including public libraries) were allowed to open as were shops selling non-essential goods. It was a momentous day…

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  • Books are not about passing the time…

    …likely that, with so many activities cancelled and venues closed, time has simply been freed up to allow people to get back to reading. Although book sales are looking very…

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  • Half-term Hallowe’en

    …better way to celebrate the 2020 National Libraries Week and can’t wait to read the entries.’ There’s even a prize for the best story. The search continues until the end…

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Weybridge Campus

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT

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Ashford Campus

Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU