Brooklands Technical College
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Accessibility & Translation

Step 1: Thinking about College

If Brooklands College is for you, let your Local Authority know in the Annual Review of your EHCP

The Local Authority will share your EHCP and Annual Review paperwork with us. A member of the Learning Support team will read the information provided to ensure that the College is able to meet your needs; this is called a Formal Consultation.

Local Authorities must submit formal consultations to by 31st March, prior to your expected start date. We cannot move forward with your application until we receive this. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept EHCPs sent informally by parents/carers, schools, or other settings/organisations.

Contact Us

Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT

Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus

Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU